Engineering of the Low Carbon Transition

PRAXILIENCE is taking you beyond CSR

PRAXILIENCE helps your company to define a strong strategy for adapting to the challenges of tomorrow low carbon world and to carry out concrete and high impact ecological transition projects.

Its pragmatic and non-dogmatic approach combines two proven methods : carbon assessment and system approach, in order to better understand the complexity of the challenges related to your organization and to identify the most effective levers of action.

Our Services


Set of concepts, methodologies and good organizational and technical practices allowing to master the complexity of modern technological systems.
Réf. : ISO15288, INCOSE


Method of evaluating the greenhouse gas emissions of an organization, to define ways for reduction of these emissions
In line with GHG Protocol & ISO 14064.


Method developed by ADEME and CDP ² to assess or define a company's low carbon strategy and align it with the challenges of a low carbon world.

¹ Assessing Low Carbon Transition
² Carbon Disclosure Project


Modeling the architecture of systems allows:


Techniques allowing to master the requirements at each phase of the transition project. Which are the most important ones? How do they relate to each other? Are they properly defined, consistent, measurable etc…
Mandatory element for commissioning.

The stakes of the low-carbon transition

of the primary energy
1 %

consumed is of fossil origin.

Source: World Bank

CO2 / YR
1 Gt
released into the atmosphere worldwide each year. At this rate, the 2 ° C warming compared to the pre-industrial era will be reached in 23 years, 1.5 ° C in 8 years.
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
1 %

This is the objective set for the french industry by the SNBC (French National Low Carbon Strategy).

Today, the industry emits 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in France according to ADEME.

Latest publications

Redirective Ecology : Towards Closing the Legacy of the Urbanocene.
20 January 2023

Redirective Ecology : Towards Closing the Legacy of the Urbanocene.

In this article, published in the special issue "L'erreur est urbaine" of Urbanités magazine (#17), Bastien Marchand and Philippe Bouteyre...

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Renouncing newbuilds in Ile-de-France to face planetary limits
2 December 2021

Renouncing newbuilds in Ile-de-France to face planetary limits

Renouncing newbuilds to face planetary limits? A question motivated by the climate emergency Climate emergency, the environmental weight of real...

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Ecological redirection : give up new construction ?
15 November 2021

Ecological redirection : give up new construction ?

Should we, to land within planetary limits, give up the new construction of certain assets in Île-de-France in favor of...

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At your service

With 25 years of experience in complex industrial projects in the energy sector, Philippe puts his passion, energy and skills at the service of climate transition and adaptation to the challenges of a low carbon world.

What our clients say

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Amanda Lee
Ceo & Founder Crix
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Adam Cheise
Head Of Sales , Intel

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      50 rue Covisard 75013 Paris